Sunday, March 21, 2021

Spring? 3/21/21

 The weather is warming up here, and for the next week the forecast shows 50's/60's...has Spring finally sprung? I can't wait to start shopping for flowers for my yard and smelling the freshly cut grass. I love just sitting outside on my patio and looking out into the yard, listening to the birds chirping. Its amazing how just doing this for a few minutes completely calms my mind and body. I think I eventually need to move somewhere where the weather is like this year-round.  Hopefully the nice weather continues and is here to stay. I do not want to jinx it though, I do live in the Chicago area.....


  1. We had snow greeting us yesterday morning and this morning. But I did notice tulip sprouting in my front yard. Soon spring will arrive—I hope.

  2. I feel the same here in northern NH. Will this nice weather stay? Maybe it will be a green Easter this year?

  3. We've had a warm weekend and now there is a lot of grass showing on the edges of yards. I'm really excited for summer. Every year I ask myself why I live in a place with such long winters!

  4. I don't want to be fooled either but it is really nice right now. So I plan on enjoying the moment! LOL

  5. This was a beautiful weekend! Hopeful we will see a lot more beautiful days ahead!
