Saturday, March 20, 2021

K-Cups 3/20/21

 Does anyone have a favorite brand of K-Cups that they always use? I feel like after years of using a Keurig I still can't find that perfect one.  Maybe its because I think the Keurig in general kind of waters down the coffee. I usually go between the Mcafe' Medium roast and Starbucks Blonde roast K-cups. Its just not the same as getting coffee from somewhere outside my house. I recently tried one of the GirlScout cookie flavored K-cups from Bed Bath & Beyond, and they were not good. Super disappointing! 


  1. I'm not a coffee drinker. I've tried some of the hot chocolate K-cups, but they always end up tasting a bit like coffee. Good luck with your search!

  2. When I had a Keurig, I bought one of those gold filter things and used ground coffee in it instead of buying k-cups. I loved it. I know what you mean about many of them tasting watered down. When I did this, it did not taste that way. But, my Keuring machine died way sooner that I would have thought was normal so then I didn't really trust them anymore. Good luck finding your solution.

  3. Coffee is always better when someone else makes it (as in your love of Starbucks), which is why I’m happy to met my husband make my coffee.

  4. Dunkin Donuts coffee pods are my favorite but I know what you mean. They are good but not as good as store bought or drip coffee.
