Monday, March 1, 2021

The beginning of no sleep....

 Sleep is something that I have clearly taken for granted all of my life, up until now.  Right now I am 29 1/2 weeks pregnant and had the worst night of sleep last night, which does not make for a very happy Monday!  The tossing and turning, all of which is not easy to do with a large baby bump, is exhausting.  Hip pain and muscle cramps make it impossible to sleep on either side for very long...I think it is finally time to try sleeping downstairs on the recliner!  

I know this is all probably getting me ready for when the baby actually arrives and my sleep is limited from that, but it is definitely a rude awakening right now.  What makes it more frustrating is that my husband is able to sleep, and even snore, all. night. long.  I am sure there are other moms out there who can relate to this!  I just keep telling myself 'I can do this!'. 


  1. Hi Amanda! Yes you can do this! It will all be worth it when the little one is here! So excited for you! Sleeping while pregnant is so hard-oh man I really that hip pain! You will get through it!

  2. Amanda, I remember that feeling! I finally found relief when I bought a foam wedge to put between my knees while I slept. It helped my lower back and my hips. You CAN do this! But you might need a nap. :)

  3. I often tell young women expecting their first baby they’ll never have another good night’s sleep. That’s a tad hyperbolic, of course, but as a restless sleeper and a chronic worrier, I’ve had more than my share of sleepless nights, too. One was last night, so I was w/ you. I also have those aching hips, but not from pregnancy. Mine are the consequence of a perfect storm of ailments: growing old, uneven leg length (who knew), and ruptured discs. You could wake your husband by shaking him and asking, “Are you awake?”

    And welcome to the Slice of Life Story Challenge.

  4. Amanda, you can do this. Last week, I was packing for our big move to Virginia from Long Island and I had very little sleep. It was a rude awakening but I managed and so will you. That sweet little one is waiting for you on the other side of pregnancy. Best of luck!

  5. You can do it because A. you have no choice and B. it will be one of the best things that ever happens to you!

  6. Sounds like some of my nights of sleep (or lack of). Restless night, tossing and turning and hip and leg pain. I also have the husband sound asleep snoring next to me. The only difference is that I don't have the baby bump! I so much enjoyed the night feedings with the house all quiet and bonding with my sweet bundle of joy!

  7. It is the worst when you can't sleep and your husband is sleeping the night away!

  8. I just laughed out loud when you mentioned your sleeping husband. I laugh because it is all too familiar. Hang in there. You got this!

  9. You got this Momma! The recliner may be calling your name, but you are in the home stretch!!

  10. You got this Momma! The recliner may be calling your name, but you are in the home stretch!!
