Tuesday, March 2, 2021


 The sun is shining today! That is always something that helps my mood and motivation. It reminds me that the warmth will melt the snow and we will start to feel warmer temperatures soon. I think we all need an early spring and I look forward to being able to sit outside on my patio again. I also look forward to spring break at the end of this month.  I think everyone needs a week off to just re-set and try to relax, especially with the amount of changes that have been thrown our way this school year. It has been exhausting and not easy for people to stay centered. I know for me there is always some sort of guilt for thinking about taking a mental health day, which shouldn't be the case! But we all need them, and deserve them. 


  1. Mental health days are interesting. We tend to wait to take them until we can't stand it any more. We relax and feel a bit better, but then the next day we are right back where we started. I am committed this year to taking them before I desperately need them. You're right - we need them!

  2. We had sun today too, and I felt like a weight had been lifted from my mind! (Even though, of course, there's still so much real weight there.) The sun. It's just magic!

  3. We had sun today, too. Most of the snow is melted. Tomorrow will bring a high of 46 fare Fahrenheit. These signs of spring bring hope.

  4. We had sun today, too. Most of the snow is melted. Tomorrow will bring a high of 46 fare Fahrenheit. These signs of spring bring hope.

  5. Cheers to mental health days, Amanda! I completely agree!


Day 31! 3/31/21

  This month of blogging has flown by! It has been nice to write down my thoughts each day this month.  Today is sunny but chilly, so I thin...